Treasurer’s Message, Lt/C Steve York, P
The SBSPS Audit Committee – Bill Goodale, Tom Koch and Pernilla Halstrom – completed their audit of our financial records for 2017 during January. They found that the journal and bank statements were in order thus approving our records for the year. I appreciate their careful review and several helpful suggestions we will be implementing for 2018.
Since the beginning of 2018 we have made an investment for the Ship’s Store. We have had our digital logo updated and we have purchased a small inventory of items with the new logo that will be available for sale to members. We have also placed a deposit at Moby Dick for our Holiday Party in December.
Our checking account has been replenished by deposits for all of the Change of Watch dinners as well as deposits for ABC class registrations.
Steve Hodges has been able to sell two of our inventory of sextants on eBay. This has also brought in an additional $550 to our coffers. Thanks Steve!! He has a couple of more to sell as we move through the year.
With all of this activity we are tracking nicely to our approved budget for the year.