A double-overnight at Lady’s Harbor, Santa Cruz Island occurred July 17-19th in lieu of the Power Squadron’s annual trip to PCYC. Leaving 8am on Friday with glassy seas and overcast skies allowed a quick four-hour motor across the channel with sightings of common and bottlenose dolphin pods. We were the only boat on Friday, and only us and Westerly on Saturday.
We traveled with Tim & Co Mason, our former Benchmark partners. Tim was the official unofficial commodore of the Catalina Club. He and his wife’s regular sailing habit was to take several guests with them to Santa Cruz Island, especially comfortable on their 36′ Mirabelle. As times are different, we two couples managed to socially-distance sufficiently on the 30′ Benchmark.

Tim is known for helping weary sailors anchor, which he had the opportunity to do when the 36′ Catalina “Westerly” arrived late Saturday afternoon, after experiencing windy conditions on their sail across the channel.. Because of the late afternoon winds, placement of Westerly’s anchor was assisted by Scott using a dinghy. Fortunately for Scott’s back, Westerly has aluminum anchors, which are lightweight! Tim instructed Scott to lend them our spare “third anchor” to further secure the Westerly from being blown into rocks, so they had a snug evening’s rest. Happy hour was by visiting dinghies rather than onboard social hour.