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Chrisman Calif Islands Center Field Trip

Field Trip to Crisman Museum in Carpenteria The Chrisman California Islands Center Saturday February 15 10:00am 4994 Carpinteria Avenue, Carpinteria Followed by lunch at a neighboring restaurant $10 suggested donation […]

Change of Watch

Annual Change of Watch ceremony and Annual Awards luncheon Location TBD

Ships and Dips

Santa Barbara Harbor Waterfront, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Progressive appetizers and desserts.  Will be held at 3 different boats - TBD as date approaches.

PCYC – Dinner and Cruise

PCYC 2600 Channel Islands Blvd, Oxnard , CA, United States

Annual Cruise to PCYC where we have free dock space and use of all their facilities - pool, restaurant and bar, showers, etc.  Cruise will be Friday morning to PCYC […]

Annual BBQ and White Elephant Event

TBD Santa Barbara, CA, United States

This will be our annual BBQ along with White Elephant auction.  Always a lot of fun.

Maritime Museum Mixer

Santa Barbara Maritime Museum 113 Harbor Way, #190, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Annual Maritime Museum Mixer. Held in conjunction With Santa Barbara Sailing Society.. Enjoy wine and Hors D'oeuvres along with sailor camaraderie.

Holiday Party

TBD Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Annual Holiday Party to celebrate the season.  

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