2025 Calendar of Events
For a printable calendar of the year's events click HERE
Santa Barbara Sail & Power Squadron
Boating Education, Events, Activities and More
For a printable calendar of the year's events click HERE
Field Trip to Crisman Museum in Carpenteria The Chrisman California Islands Center Saturday February 15 10:00am 4994 Carpinteria Avenue, Carpinteria Followed by lunch at a neighboring restaurant $10 suggested donation […]
Annual Change of Watch ceremony and Annual Awards luncheon Location TBD
Potluck brunch for all members at the Harbor Location TBD
Harbor Department activity to clean portion of Marina seafloor. Squadron participates along with other members of the public and volunteer divers.
First weekend cruise of the year - weather permitting. Destination Santa Cruz - Fry's Harbor
Harbor Dept organizes a Nautical Swap Meet in the Harbor Parking Lot. The Squadron will have a space for members to bring their items for sale.
Harbor Dept approved flare shoot and fire extinguisher practice. Bring your old outdated flares and fir extinguishers and practice using them on the beach. Specific location on the beach will […]
Business meeting for the Squadron. Discussion of Activities, events, financial status snd upcoming plans. All members welcome
Progressive appetizers and desserts. Will be held at 3 different boats - TBD as date approaches.