Santa Barbara Sail & Power Squadron
Boating Education, Events, Activities and More
Come for the Boating Education...Stay for the Friendssm
sbmesafirstmate on March 19, 2018 Monthly Reports
sbmesafirstmate on March 19, 2018 Monthly Reports
Given to a member in recognition of extraordinary efforts,
year after year, to the Squadron.
Doris Swalling
Wilfred Swalling, S
Given to a member who inspiringly
contributes to our education program.
Richard Ciolino, JN
Awarded to a member who has provided a valuable
service that wouldn’t have been done if they didn’t do it.
Betty Koch, P
Peggy Ciolino, P
Previously the Dive Day Award, this award was initiated in 1993 by Dick & Marcia Rowland to commemorate a member’s exploits during the annual Dive Day cruise.
It is now given to members who have significantly participated in watersports during the past year.
Dennis Johns, AP
Virginia Johns, P
Made significant use of his/her power boat
Mark Cooper, P
Ellie Cooper
Made significant use of his/her sailboat
Don Crowder, SN
Inge Crowder
Recipient deemed to be the most active NEW member – meaning a member for no more than two years.
W. Scott Burns
This is when we memorialize the biggest blunder of the year.
Actually something to be proud of – it shows you’ve been boating.
We all make mistakes – the award nominees are just those who have had theirs witnessed.
Duane Felender, S
“Safety First!!”
sbmesafirstmate on March 19, 2018 Monthly Reports
Secretary’s Message, Lt/C Ron Slocum, AP
The Bridge for 2018-2019
Commander Cdr Dennis Johns, AP
Executive Officer Position Open
Educational Officer Lt/C Richard Ciolino, JN
Assistant SEO 1st Lt John Profant, SN
Administrative Officer Lt/C Peggy Ciolino, P
Secretary Lt/C Ronald Slocum, AP
Treasurer Lt/C Steven York, P
Assistant Treasurer 1st Lt Peter Segoe, P
sbmesafirstmate on March 19, 2018 Monthly Reports
Treasurer’s Message, Lt/C Steve York, P
The SBSPS Audit Committee – Bill Goodale, Tom Koch and Pernilla Halstrom – completed their audit of our financial records for 2017 during January. They found that the journal and bank statements were in order thus approving our records for the year. I appreciate their careful review and several helpful suggestions we will be implementing for 2018.
Since the beginning of 2018 we have made an investment for the Ship’s Store. We have had our digital logo updated and we have purchased a small inventory of items with the new logo that will be available for sale to members. We have also placed a deposit at Moby Dick for our Holiday Party in December.
Our checking account has been replenished by deposits for all of the Change of Watch dinners as well as deposits for ABC class registrations.
Steve Hodges has been able to sell two of our inventory of sextants on eBay. This has also brought in an additional $550 to our coffers. Thanks Steve!! He has a couple of more to sell as we move through the year.
With all of this activity we are tracking nicely to our approved budget for the year.
sbmesafirstmate on March 19, 2018 Monthly Reports
SEO’s Message. Lt/C Rich Ciolino, JN
We started our latest “America’s Boating Course” class (ABC) on February 20 with 18 students. This class focuses on boating basics and safety and runs for five weeks, meeting once per week for two hours, culminating in a final exam. The class is being taught by our experienced team of teachers: Ron Slocum, Neil Ablitt, Dennis Johns, Tom Koch, Pete Seagoe, and myself. These experienced sailor/teachers provide additional enrichment, including personal relevant stories, for the students that they could only get in a classroom environment such as this.
This class qualifies for California’s Boating Card law that went into effect on January 1, 2018. Check our website at for more information. One student from last year informed me that he followed up with the California Department of Boating and Waterways on-line process to obtain his Boating Card, and the system worked as advertised.
More classes will be announced soon.
If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to contact me at or 805-682-4543. Sail safely!