Our Marine Electrical Systems course finished up on June 19 with 13 students taking the final exam. Three more that couldn’t make it on the exam night will be taking the exam on Tuesday July 3, on my boat – I’ll do my best not to expose them to carbon monoxide poisoning this time (see May’s safety message).
Many thanks to instructor Steve Young for lighting up these appreciative students.
Our Piloting class began on June 26 with John Profant instructing a class of eight students. We expect 2 or 3 more that were unable to attend the first session. The course provides the basic skills needed to plan and safely navigate a voyage using traditional (dead reckoning) and modern (GPS) methods. The class runs through August 21.
Next, Pete Seagoe will be teaching our Engine Maintenance course from September 11 to November 20. Based on comments from our membership and other boaters there is a lot of interest in the course and we expect a big turnout.
And finally, we will be scheduling another ABC class for the fall time period.
All in all our education staff is keeping pretty busy – If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to contact me at rdciolino@cox.net or 805-682-4543. Sail safely!