Seven students took the take-home exam for the Piloting class and turned them in on the 21st for grading by National.
We have a good turnout so far for the Engine Maintenance course that will run from September 11 to November 20. There is still space so if anyone else is interested please contact me.
I’m talking with the Harbor Office to arrange a schedule for our next ABC class to start shortly after the Harbor Festival in October. One issue there is our normal Tuesday night “reservation” use of the Marine Center Classroom will be used for the Engine Maintenance class.
As reported in our Administrative Officer’s Message, Tom Koch led seven of our teachers in the USPS Instructor Development Recertification class on August 28. This satisfies a USPS requirement that teachers of public courses be certified by USPS.
All in all our education staff is keeping pretty busy – If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to contact me at or 805-682-4543. Sail safely